Alarming statistics about red light runners

Alarming statistics about red light runners

It’s always scary when you see someone run a red light in Pennsylvania. Even when a red light runner doesn’t cause an accident, witnessing the event and knowing what could have happened can be frightening. Too often, red light runners cause accidents, which may be fatal.

Scary statistics

According to AAA’s Foundation for Traffic Safety, there were 939 people killed in accidents caused by red light runners in 2017. This figure represents a 10-year high and a 28% rise since 2012.

The AAA study also included some alarming statistics in its survey of drivers. According to the survey, nearly one-third of drivers admitted that they had run a red light at some point in the past month. Over 40% of these drivers believed that police wouldn’t stop them.

Running a red light is illegal

It is a criminal offense to run a red light whether or not the driver who does it causes an accident. A driver who runs a run light could face criminal penalties as well as personal injury lawsuits from any victims that were injured by their actions.

Talk to a lawyer if you were injured by a red light runner

If you have been injured in a multi-vehicle accident, proving who was at fault can sometimes be difficult. When a driver runs a red light, though, it may be easier to prove which driver was at fault. If there is security camera footage and eyewitness testimony to prove one driver ran a red light, you may be able to use this evidence to strengthen a personal injury claim.